City Rating: Luxembourg

Population: 115’000

Date of visit: November 2017

Attractions & sights: 2/5
Nightlife: 3/5
Safety: 4/5
Infrastructure: 4/5
Low budget factor: €€€/5
Total: 👍👍👍/5

The city in a nutshell:

Luxembourg (not the country but the capital city that has the same name) is a charming small city with medieval flair. It’s an underestimated city and actually a good place for a short weekend holiday. The most surprising thing was the good nightlife.

luxembourg city centre
The city centre of Luxembourg

Where to stay:

Luxembourg City is small, so it doesn’t matter that much. I stayed near the central station, because I came by train and also left by train. Staying in the city centre might be a slightly better choice, as you will have all sights and also the nightlife around you.

The Good:

Luxembourg is beautiful. There is not that much to see and to do, so spending one or maximum two days in this city is enough. However, Luxembourg has enough sights to fill one half day for sightseeing. The most worthy attractions are Bock Casemates and the Grund district.

View of the Grund in Luxembourg City
Luxembourg Ground

What surprised me the most was the nightlife. Luxembourg becomes vibrant at night on weekends. And given the fact that only 115’000 people live in Luxembourg’s capital, you have a variety of bars and nightclubs.

It’s also not as expensive as many think, even though the country is one of the richest in the world. I would see the city slightly above Western European average. At least the train prices won’t be too expensive, if you get there by train from Germany, France, Switzerland, Belgium or the Netherlands.

The Bad & The Ugly:

No Uber. This won’t be a problem if you stay in the city centre. However, you might need one to a nightclub or to the railway station. Speaking of the railway station, this area looks quite run-down (like in many German cities for example) and also a bit dodgy at night.

Moreover, the city is small as I have mentioned. Don’t stay too long in this city or your opinion about it will probably change soon.


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