
Population: 500’000

Date of visit: June 2016

Attractions & sights: 3/5
Nightlife: ?/5
Safety: 4/5
Infrastructure: 5/5
Low budget factor: €€€/5
Total: 👍👍👍👍/5

The city in a nutshell:

Beautiful French second-tier city. Lyon is one of the most underrated cities in Europe.

Where to stay:

I stayed with a friend, no recommendation therefore. Somewhere on the island between the two rivers might be a good choice, as this is very central.

The Good:

Lyon is a beautiful city with one of the most picturesque old town, which is a UNESCO World Heritage site by the way, in Europe. The city also has some interesting sights and a lot of beautiful spots near the rivers. It’s definitely worth a visit for a relaxed weekend.

Incomprehensibly, the third largest city of France isn’t on the radar of many people. However, Lyon is probably one of the best cities in order to get an authentic feeling of France.

The Bad & The Ugly:




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