
Population: 1’400’000

Date of visit: May 2016

Attractions & sights: 3/5
Nightlife: 4/5
Safety: 3/5
Infrastructure: 3/5
Low budget factor: $$$$/5
Total: 👍👍👍/5

The city in a nutshell:

The largest city in the Balkans has great vibe, some beautiful spots and amazing nightlife.

Where to stay:

Near Knez Mihailova street, the main pedestrian area of the city.

The Good:

Belgrade is a fun city and also one of the cheapest capitals in Europe. The Serbian capital might not have the charm that other Balkan cities have, but is still a great place to spend a few days. If you have the chance: go and watch a football game (Red Star Belgrade). Nightlife is among the best in Europe.

It’s also e good low budget destinations, hotels and food/drinks in restaurants are pretty cheap.

The Bad & The Ugly:

Unfortunately, scams are common in this city. Take precautions, especially when using a taxi at night. I have never been scammed big time but in Belgrade (see: Country #37: Serbia).



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